Learning to Farm
Grade 3 students traveled to Nagarkot and engaged themselves in fields. For most of them, this was the first time that they ever planted a seed. Going to the farm and getting their hands dirty for a purpose was something they are going to cherish for some time to come.
Class about Bees
Students are given a class about bee farming by Bee Farmers. They learned about the nature of bees, the process they go through for making honey, understanding the bee-hive.
Activities in Tharu Community
Grade 6 & 7 students went to villages of Tharu Community (local ethnicity) in Chitwan and spent a day engaging in tasks that Tharu people carry out on a day-to-day basis. Wall Painting (Ghar Lipne), Fishing like Tharus and catching your own fish, cooking and planting a seed were some of the activities that these Kids performed for two days. Not only did they enjoy their time but had a lot of ideas about the diversity that comes in our community.
Observing Gurung Community
Students traveled to nearby Gurung Villages in Kaski and talked with the locals. They talked about culture & traditions, agricultural foods, animal husbandry. The student noted their observation and later presented in their educational assignments.
Practical Study about Insects & Amphibians
Students of Grade 4 & 5 visited the Butterfly Museum and Fish Research Center and were briefed by experts about the species. An effective way of covering the subject matter outside textbooks
Chitlang Trip
A visit to a goat farm in Chitlang was a good opportunity for many students to understand how Animal Husbandry is conducted in Nepal. Students were very engaged in farms, some managed to click pictures with a Kid (baby goat). A yoga session the following morning was a perfect way to end our stay in Makwanpur.
Fare-Well Photos
Different Schools gather for farewell photos of Experiential Excursions. A Souvenir of an excursion that entertained and educated them.